I love watching Avalee-Rose’s personality start to shine through. You can see her loving personality bloom.
She loves to be close to us; she loves to snuggle and hug. She is so unbelievably curious and she is eager to learn about the world! She is stubborn … oh boy, is she stubborn! But she is so unbelievably sugar sweet too.
Every day is a treasure, every month new surprises whilst watching you grow. We love you and we are grateful that we get to be your parents.
A Message for My Child
I wish that I could show you
all the things that I have seen.
I wish that I could take you
everywhere that I have been.
I wish that I could indicate
the places where I fell,
And keep you, thus, from tripping
on those “rougher” spots as well.
I wish that I could do all this
and save you from the strife.
But I know that I’d be sparing you
the lessons of your life.
And you must learn those lessons
as hard as that may be,
Just know that you will always have
a helping hand from me.
– Jessica Wesolek
To Read Avie’s First Month Blog Post, Click Here!
Read about Avie’s Second Month Stats here!
Find her Third Month Stats here!
We share her Fourth Month Stats and Records here!
Avie at 5 Months
Find below more stats and records on Avie’s 5th month.
Miss Avie’s 4-5 Month Old Milestones
- She has started eating solid foods; just basic rice cereal; but she does absolutely love her meals!
- We still have no luck with bottles though. I also bought a sippy cup, but nope, she does not have any plans to stop breastfeeding anytime soon.
- She can sit herself up pretty well (with a little support). She will still fall forwards if you let go, but she has really great back and neck control.
- At the start of the month blowing bubbles was the favourite activity of the day, but by the end of the month, the trend faded a bit.
- She loves playing with her feet and she loves munching on them too. The feet ‘eating’ stage is one of my favourite bubby stages! So bloody cute!!
- When she is on her tummy, she can lift her head up really high now!
- Rolling over from her front to her back as well as from her back to her front. She can roll her way and scoot her way across the floor now. So we will pop her down in one place and find her in another!
4-5 Month Old Baby Sleep
I am slowing getting more power over your periods of sleep.
At about 4.5 months of age, I decided it is time to lay down the mummy law and with some stubbornness, I managed to get you sleeping out of my arms!!!
- She typically has 3-4 naps a day, depending on how long she sleeps (and her naps tend to be on the shorter side, 30-45min max).
- She tends to go down around 6-7 at night.
- Avie will still wake up around 1-2 at night .. sometimes even more.
Other Baby Bits to Record
- She is currently wearing size 0 clothes. She loves her time in the baby bouncer and she has actually worked off a lot of her super chubby upper legs on it. She goes crazy in that thing, it is totally fun to watch!
- She doesn’t like lying down! She is forever tightening her neck and back muscles to try and sit up. She really wants to see what is going on in the world!
- Her eyes are still blue!! Please stay blue … we love them that way!
- Her hair is growing back and I’m sure it is lighter in colour, medium brown maybe?
- She adores her sisters to death. Her eyes light up when they are around and she is very content to just watch them or talk to them.
- She is starting to enjoy the car seat a bit more, and more often than not, she is actually fairly quiet on the drive. I still get the screaming matches but less often.
- She is super sweet! She gives the best cuddles and kisses. And her laughter is totally infectious!
- This month she also started showing signs of Eczema. We need to bath her in salt water and layer her up with cream on a regular basis. And when things get too much we have to apply some steroid cream. Seems that this will be a long journey for us and her, but hopefully we can keep it under control.
Travelling with our Baby
This month we spent most of our time exploring closer to home. It was a crazy month as Christmas is coming up and we have so much to do and to organise before the end of the year arrives.
But we have more trips planned; one of which is a trip to Sydney next month.
Can’t believe that our last little bubba is 5 months old already. Time flies!
I must say that I do enjoy this stage of the baby stage more than the newborn stage.
More time to play. More time to watch how they develop and grow! And more time to see that personality blooming through!!
Mummy loves you soooo much baby girl! xx
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