Take it from this Mum, who knows best(!), there will always be times of stress in your life. Stress is an unavoidable part of life. Some people thrive on it, others do not. If you’ve felt your stress levels rising to a level you’re not comfortable with, then it’s time to do something about it.
It’s all well and good for the powers to be to tell us we need to simply reduce stress in our lives – it’s not quite as simple as flicking a switch! We still have to raise our families, earn an income and negotiate life and relationships, so there will always be stressors there.
But, there are ways that you can reduce stress in your life, or at least reduce your feelings and responses to stressful situations. One of the best ways to do this is with some simple affirmations to reduce stress.
Meditation is said to be another great way to lower your stress levels but, if you feel like you don’t have the time and/or patience to master the art of meditating, then you’re going to love using affirmations! They’re quick, they’re easy and they’re free! There’s a lot to love about positive affirmations!
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are a bit like a mantra, or a statement you can repeat over and over. It’s said that by using affirmations consistently you can actually change the neural pathways in your brain!
Basically the mantras, affirmations or statements that you repeat over and over again will start to become your reality once you’ve convinced your own brain that they are true.
So, with this premise, all you need to do to reduce your stress levels by using affirmations, is to choose an affirmation that states how you would like to be feeling (rather than stressed) and repeat it over and over until your brain believes it is true.
How To Use Affirmations To Reduce Stress
Simply choose a few of the stress relieving affirmations below that make the most sense to you and how you are feeling or how you would like to be feeling.
Then repeat your chosen affirmations over and over, like a mantra. You’ll want to repeat each affirmation 10-15 times, at least a couple of times a day.
You can repeat your affirmations by saying them over and over out loud, saying them in your head, recording them and listening to them, or by writing them out over and over (like writing lines at school).
The important thing to do is to practice this habit daily, preferably at least twice a day, until your feelings of stress diminish.
There are so many different affirmations that can be used to help reduce stress levels, you can find a comprehensive list of affirmations for stress here. Below you will find my personal favourite picks for what I believe are the top 30, best affirmations to reduce stress.
Positive Affirmations To Reduce Stress
- I am happy to go with the flow.
- I am calm and peaceful.
- I am feeling calm and happy.
- I am calm.
- I am in control.
- I am relaxed.
- I feel calm and relaxed.
- I feel the stress leaving my body.
- All is well in my world.
- I enjoy living a calm and peaceful life.
- I am at peace.
- I am in the process of becoming less stressed.
- I am happy to have less stress in my life.
- I have a relaxed attitude to life.
- I radiate positivity and calmness.
- I am calm, happy and content.
- Things always seem to sort themselves out.
- I love how things are always working out for me.
- I am in the process of positive change.
- I enjoy feeling calm.
- I choose to feel calm.
- I choose peace.
- My thoughts are peaceful and calm.
- My mind is calm and my body is relaxed.
- I am relaxed and at peace.
- I choose a peaceful stress-free life.
- It is normal for me to feel calm, happy and relaxed.
- I am more and more calm with each deep breath that I take.
- I am strong and capable.
- I am naturally calm.
You can easily write your own affirmations if you don’t see any that will work for you on this list. The easiest way to do this is to choose an affirmation from above that is almost right, but not quite what you’re after, and just change the words around, or add some extra elements, to suit you better.
The important thing to remember is to try to make any statements or affirmations you write positive. If you simply use ‘I am not stressed’, the brain can interpret this as ‘I am stressed’ as the ‘not’ is a fairly insignificant word. That’s why it’s best to use phrases such as ‘I am calm’ rather than ‘I am not stressed’.
Hopefully these simple, stress reducing affirmations will help you to get through some stressful times but please, please, please, do not forget, if things are really stressful for you and you are feeling overwhelmed by life, reach out to a friend, family member or medical practitioner for help.
We are not all superheroes all of the time, and that is more than OK! If you need help, reach out and get some help.
Oh, and if you’ve enjoyed using these affirmations for stress, you’ll be pleased to hear that you can use positive affirmations to help with just about any aspect of your life.
Personally, I love using affirmations, I use them in bed at night, my last one being ‘I fall asleep quickly and easily’, it works like a charm for me! You can find affirmations for all sorts of things here.
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